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清水理恵(Rie Shimizu)フルート

Soloist, chamber musician and master clinician


音楽配信では、ドルチェ・クラシックチャンネルにて、PtFour(プラチナ4本でのカルテット)、清水研作「日本の歌・世界の歌」など様々な配信をし、2019年よりクーラウ・プロジェクトとして、加藤元章氏とクーラウのデュオ全曲レコーディングに取り組んでいる。CD「Three Water Colors」、清水研作作品集「海」、「日本の歌・世界の歌」。現在、中国の斉斉哈大学及び綏化音楽院客員教授。桐朋芸術短期大学及び新潟大学講師。


“This concert, entitled “The History of Japanese Composers ~flute works vol.1”, consists of all flute works, composed by important Japanese composers in the 20th and 21st centuries.  I tried to revive each of the crystal works from a unique perspective.  You can feel the Japanese essence in the works, constructed as Western music.  This concert was subsidized by the Video Industry Promotion Organization, a non-profit organization officially established in 2005 through the Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN) proposal.  This video was also made possible by the special cooperation with the Powell Flute Japan. Rie Shimizu”

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